TAA Constitution as at 16th.Jan 2016
1) The Association shall be called the Taunton Angling Association; its objects shall be the furtherance of the interests of local angling. It shall not be a profit making organisation and any surplus of funds which may accrue shall be used to improve the fishing facilities and interests of the Association.
2) There shall be not less than two and not more than three Trustees of the Association. They shall hold office until death or resignation or until removed from office by resolution at a general meeting of the Association.
All property of the Association including Leases shall vest in the Trustees to be dealt with by them as the Committee shall from time to time by resolution direct.
The Trustees shall at all times be kept informed of the proceedings of the Association and shall be entitled to attend any meeting of the Association.
The Trustees shall be indemnified out of the Associations assets against any risks or expenses incurred by them in pursuance of their office.
The cash accounts over which the Treasurer and Secretary may be given control shall be kept with such bankers as the Committee appoints.
Cheques shall be signed by any two of the Treasurer, Secretary, Match Secretary and Chairman of the Association. In the event that one Officer holds more than one position, two separate Officers must sign cheques.
On-line banking may be carried out by one Officer but more than one Official should be authorised by the Committee to carry out on-line transactions should the need arise
The Treasurer shall keep an account of all the monies expended and received by him, and shall make a true report in accordance of such to the Committee. (He may be required to make an estimated account of the finances of the Association prior to the holding of an Annual General Meeting)
3) An Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held each year for the purpose of –
The election of Officers.
To receive the reports of the Officers.
To receive the presentation of the Balance Sheet.
To decide upon any proposition submitted to the meeting in accordance with the articles of the Association.
Notification of the date, time and place of every general meeting of the Association shall be circulated to the membership by the most effective means available.
Inadvertent omission to give notice to any member shall not be deemed to have invalidated the proceedings of the meeting.
Notice of motion regarding an amendment of or addition to the articles of the Association shall be presented in writing to the Secretary within 28 days of the holding of a general meeting.
A majority vote of the members present at the meeting shall carry any motion excepting that no amendment of, or addition to the articles of the Association shall be carried on a vote of less than two thirds of the members present.
A Special General Meeting shall be called within 28 days of the receipt of a requisition signed by 25 members or the Trustees of the Association.
The requisition and the notice convening the meeting shall specify the purpose of the meeting and no other business shall be transacted unless at the discretion of the Chairman.
4) The Association shall not be dissolved nor its property be divided or disposed of except by a majority of two thirds of the members present and voted at a general meeting.
Not less than 28 day’s notice in writing shall be given specifying the intention to propose such a resolution.
5) The Officers of the Association shall be President, Vice President(s), Chairman, Secretary, Match Secretary, Head Bailiff and Treasurer.
A Deputy Officer may be temporarily elected by the Committee, should the need arise, in order to cover for absence due to sickness or other reasons of an existing Officer.
These Officers together shall be elected annually at a General Meeting.
Nominations for the election of the Officers shall be presented to the committee 28 days before the holding of the general meeting, except that no prior nomination shall be required where an Officer is eligible for and prepared to accept re-election.
In order to qualify as an Officer of the Association or to serve on the Executive committee, members should reside within a six mile radius of Taunton; the only exception will be at the discretion of the Trustees – if and when they consider it to be in the best interests of the Association.
Only senior members (over 16 years of age) shall be entitled to vote at meetings of the Association.
Presidents and Vice Presidents shall not be required to reside within the radius of six miles of Taunton as a condition of service as Officers, or on the committee or to vote at meetings of the Association.
6) The management and finances of the Association shall be vested in the Committee which shall consist of the Officers of the Association and not less than nine and not more than twelve elected members, of which seven shall constitute quorum.
At an Annual General Meeting one third or the nearest number to one third, being those members serving longest on the committee shall resign from office but shall be eligible for re-election, at which time members present shall be entitled to vote for as many candidates as there are vacancies to be filled.
Nominations to fill these vacancies shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary at least 28 days before the meeting.
In the event of two or more candidates receiving an equal number of votes the Chairman shall have a casting vote.
The powers of the Committee shall include the following:-
a) To augment or amend the bylaws and match rules of the Association.
b) To fill any vacancy or replace any member of the committee who absents himself from three consecutive meetings without reasonable excuse.
c) To co-opt additional members to the Committee (with the power to vote)
d) It may refuse the issue of membership cards or fishing permits.
e) It may arbitrate in any dispute be members and its decision shall be final.
f) It may expel from the Association any member whose conduct is considered to be injurious to the Association or its members, but before taking such action it shall inquire into the members conduct and he shall be given reasonable opportunity of defending himself either in writing or by appearing before the committee.
g) It may appoint a finance sub-committee to recommend the amount of the subscriptions and the cost of the fishing permits.
h) It may also appoint sub-committees, as required to facilitate the objectives of the Association. It may appoint a Vice-Chairman, Vice – Presidents and Life Members.
The committee shall meet on at least eight occasions during the year and minutes shall be taken of each meeting.
7) All applicants for the use of the facilities provided by the Association shall become members before availing themselves of these facilities. The angling facilities may be made available to members for specific periods.
Membership of the Association shall commence on payment of the subscription.
Payment of the subscription and acceptance of the membership card or permit shall be deemed an agreement to conform to the rules and Bylaws of the Association and to comply with the regulations and bylaws of the Environment Agency, Angling permits shall be obtained before fishing and are not transferable.
8) There shall be three classes of membership:
Ordinary members shall be those holding permits to fish during the entire season; this membership shall expire on June 15th of each year.
Temporary members shall be those holding permits for shorter periods; their membership will terminate at the expiration of the fishing permit.
Life members being those with an outstanding relationship with the Association.
9) The Association shall admit no liability for events arising from members fishing in the waters of the Association.
Members shall be held personally responsible for any damage or claim arising therefrom.
10) Bailiffs, or any member of the Association may require the production of membership cards or permits from any person found fishing in the waters of the Association. Failure to provide such documents shall entitle the Association to treat the person as a trespasser.
Any member acting in the capacity of an Association bailiff shall do so at his own risk and shall have no claim on the Association whatsoever.